This is the book I am currently reading. I actually started 2 other books and then I went on an internet book shopping spree and now have about 6 books to read.
Anyway, I think this one will be quite interesting...to me anyway. I like musician biographies and got into reading about the 60s LA music scene and the hippie scene, but then I slipped farther back into the beat generation...Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsburg...and the author of Naked Lunch, William Burroughs. This book was quite controversial and banned in some places in the USA and there was an obscenity trial about it. Apparently, the book is from notes written by Burroughs, that he doesn't remember writing, over a period of time when he was a junky. I've already learned a couple of expresssions that I like...the title for one...Naked Lunch...relating to nakedness of seeing, to be able to see clearly without any confusing disguises...and another one...Newspaper Spoon - refering to being presented or "spoonfed" news, information and facts, the way in which the media bends reality.
I'll update (maybe) when I get farther along in the book.